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Emily Weisband : Not Afraid To Say Goodbye (Stripped) Review

Emily Weisband : Not Afraid To Say Goodbye (Stripped) Review

emily-weisband-cdEmily Weisband is back with a new EP called Not Afraid To Say Goodbye (Stripped). The Nashville singer-songwriter continues to affirm her pop prowess with four distinctive and genuine tracks highlighting her sincere lyrics, intimate instrumentation, and nuanced storytelling. Weisband has been writing for other artists like Halsey and Camilla Cabello, but now she is writing for herself and gets to tell her story. Not Afraid To Say Goodbye is the follow up to her debut EP, Identity Crisis and for her second EP, Weisband’s emotional, raw, and authentic songwriting is at its best. Not Afraid To Say Goodbye (Stripped) is an even more intimate setting of the original EP.

Weisband communicates an exceptional rapport with the lyrics; as imaginative as Weisband’s melody is, her lyrics capture the mood and set the feeling in “Dumber (stripped).” With only piano supporting her warm timbered voice, she builds the contagious tune wherein Weisband coaxes the storyline’s emotion, painting a musical portrait that is intimate and emotional. Like all great songwriting, it is geared to satisfying a feel that plays on and highlights a yearning. Weisband’s singing is composed, rich in sound, and expressive, making it obvious why her adoring fans support her.

“The Way I Say Goodbye (Stripped)” has an emotive acoustic guitar leading the harmonic foundation. The song is composed around an emotional storyline and another gorgeous melody. The songstress is supported by subtle synth sounds and vocal harmonies. She is at her best singing the wide-sweeping melody. The harmony has a modern classic vibe and lyrics that are at times heart-warming but always poignant, making evident the reasons for the emotions happing in the relationship. She implores, “If you couldn’t feel my love in the way I said ‘Forever’…then I hope you feel my love in the way I say goodbye.”

Not Afraid To Say Goodbye (Stripped) demonstrates Weisband is a superstar songwriter and the stripped-down versions of these songs add more character and intimacy to them, along with more focus on the beautiful melodies and Weisband’s singing abilities. Having released two versions of the same songs over the period of months could be referred to as prolific or a sales gimmick, but then again, you cannot have too much of a good thing.


Emily Weisband: Website

Artist Name

Emily Weisband

Album Title

Not Afraid To Say Goodbye (Stripped)

Release Date

January 22, 2021


Warner Records Inc.

Overall Sound In Review Rating
Sound Quality
Vocal Quality
Performance Quality
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About The Author
Shannon Smith
A fan of music my entire life. Should that be enough, well it is for me. Who buys music, the fans. Who listens to music, the fans. Like me, there are many like-minded individuals that daily search for meaningful and new music to add to their playlist, their soundtrack of life. A life without music would Bb. Yes, I have seen that saying floating around for years, and truth is, its #truth. So, may I introduce you to Shannon Smith (me). I am the editor. A music junkie that can’t get enough music in my life. A nerd (proudly), with some mad love for technology and design. It is that desire that sparked Sound in Review. Life is busy, the reviews are meant to ultimately introduce and briefly talk about the music. We have a section called SIR Quote: this is my way of saying thank you, to the countless artists making the world a place of expression. Show yours by rating each artists album, just as we have (collectively as writers), to show your support for your favorite artist.
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