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Mehro : Coastline Review

Mehro : Coastline Review

mehro-cdMehro is an alternative pop singer/songwriter who has had a string of viral hits. His music videos have been viewed more than 3.3 million times on YouTube with popular singles being “lightning” and “perfume.” He gained the attention of Wonderland Magazine and was interviewed in July of 2020. He is now releasing his latest single called “Coastline.” The song is a follow-up to his debut EP, SKY ON FIRE, released earlier in 2021.

“Coastline” was written by Mehro and has lyrics based on hope for the future. “[Chorus] Look out over to thе west, To the shimmering lights on thе coastline, Don’t know how we’re gonna get there, But the destination’s in our eyes.” Mehro’s vocal style is quiet and gentile. The production is varied and supports Mehro’s voice well. The song has a pleasing beat and builds to the end in a meaningful manner and Mehro has an impressive vocal range. Mehro explains, “I wrote the song for a person I could no longer speak to. One night I was looking out to the Malibu mountains and this person came to my mind. This was the song that was channelled through me. I guess it was the only way I could communicate with them. For those who are reading this, and for those who listen to the song, here is what I’ll tell you: there is nothing that you can find outside of yourself, the destination is in your eyes.”

“Coastline” is another single from Mehro that shows his engaging singing and catchy melody writing. With an alternative-pop beat and positive message, this single with continue to garner him fans and move him up into a more prominent place with male pop singers.


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Release Date

August 4, 2021


Heroine Music Group, LLC


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About The Author
Shannon Smith
A fan of music my entire life. Should that be enough, well it is for me. Who buys music, the fans. Who listens to music, the fans. Like me, there are many like-minded individuals that daily search for meaningful and new music to add to their playlist, their soundtrack of life. A life without music would Bb. Yes, I have seen that saying floating around for years, and truth is, its #truth. So, may I introduce you to Shannon Smith (me). I am the editor. A music junkie that can’t get enough music in my life. A nerd (proudly), with some mad love for technology and design. It is that desire that sparked Sound in Review. Life is busy, the reviews are meant to ultimately introduce and briefly talk about the music. We have a section called SIR Quote: this is my way of saying thank you, to the countless artists making the world a place of expression. Show yours by rating each artists album, just as we have (collectively as writers), to show your support for your favorite artist.
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