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Rebekah Meldrum, Rebekah Meldrum Review

Rebekah Meldrum, Rebekah Meldrum Review

Rebekkah-Meldrum-sirRebekkah Meldrum is a blues singer and songwriter based in Indiana. She grew up singing gospel music in church and fell in love with the blues after hearing Koko Taylor. She is releasing her debut self-titled album of seven originals. Her band churns out the vibrant blues sound as she sings the lyrics with confidence and impassioned dynamics. Meldrum’s songwriting is telling stories that are engaging and stimulate the imagination and memories of life experiences.

“Set Your Soul Free” begins with long-time collaborator Paul Holdman playing a bluesy chordal intro on the guitar with just the right amount of roto sound to make you take note. When the band enters, blues harpist Tad Robinson blows some mean blues lines before Meldrum’s robust voice fills the space. Her vocal style contains clever phrasing and blues inflections. The production of the album is a little weak; the vocal sound is ‘hot’ and distorts in the speakers. That aside, “Set Your Soul Free” is a well-written song, and Meldrum sings the melody and lyrics with passion and authority.

A hip funky country blues feel adorns “Coat Tails.” Holdman’s guitar playing is relaxed and combines funk and blues in a meaningful manner. Meldrum’s vocals are energetic as she adorns the melody with glissandos and blue notes that bring out all the blues feeling. Again, the sound quality has much to be desired, but Meldrum’s singing style still shines through. Holdman’s guitar solo is spot on, as is Robinson’s harp playing. This song tells a story that is interesting, and Holdman’s delivery is very believable.

Rebekkah Meldrum is an album that will get Meldrum’s vocal style, and songwriting noticed. I hope the sophomore release has better sound quality, especially with the vocals. However, the songwriting, singing, and playing is still enjoyable and conveys the blues with passion and respect for the heritage. A fine listen for blues fans for sure.


Rebekah Meldrum: Website

Artist Name

Rebekah Meldrum

Album Title

Rebekah Meldrum

Release Date

October 25, 2019


October 25, 2019

Overall Sound In Review Rating
Sound Quality
Vocal Quality
Performance Quality
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About The Author
Shannon Smith
A fan of music my entire life. Should that be enough, well it is for me. Who buys music, the fans. Who listens to music, the fans. Like me, there are many like-minded individuals that daily search for meaningful and new music to add to their playlist, their soundtrack of life. A life without music would Bb. Yes, I have seen that saying floating around for years, and truth is, its #truth. So, may I introduce you to Shannon Smith (me). I am the editor. A music junkie that can’t get enough music in my life. A nerd (proudly), with some mad love for technology and design. It is that desire that sparked Sound in Review. Life is busy, the reviews are meant to ultimately introduce and briefly talk about the music. We have a section called SIR Quote: this is my way of saying thank you, to the countless artists making the world a place of expression. Show yours by rating each artists album, just as we have (collectively as writers), to show your support for your favorite artist.
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