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Vatican Shadow | Persian Pillars Of The Gasoline Era Review

Vatican Shadow | Persian Pillars Of The Gasoline Era Review

Vatican-Shadow-cdVatican Shadow is one of the many aliases of American experimental musician, poet, and multimedia artist Dominick Fernow. Through Vatican Shadow, Fenow creates music that combines rhythmic industrial, ambient, and soundscapes. His inspiration comes from war, terror, media manipulation, and anxiety disorder. One of the most prolific underground artists of the 21st century, Fernow is now releasing a new six-song album called Persian Pillars Of The Gasoline Era. Fernow’s underground sub-cultures mindset and following find Vatican Shadow now aligned with 20 Buck Spin for the first time. The six tracks are inspired by recent Middle Eastern geopolitics and very much built in the image of latter period Bryn Jones aka Muslimgauze productions, but more than sufficiently distinguished by his transfixing arrangements.

“Rehearsing For The Attack” is centered around a hypnotic drum groove. Fernow’s drum programming is organic, flowing, and builds the mood of the song. The synths create a swirling sound color that floats over the syncopated drum patterns. The throbbing bass dances with the steppers drum style in a manner that keeps the attention and gives a music feeling that will have an emotional impact.

“Taxi Journey Through The Teeming Slums Of Tehran” has a ferocity in the driving rhythmic layers that assault the senses. The drum sounds are full, and Fernow’s use of layering is notable. The synth’s only make cameo appearances as this title is focused on the rhythm and the hypnotic drums textures.

Persian Pillars Of The Gasoline Era is a deep and hypnotic musical experience. Justin Broadrick (Godflesh, Jesu, JK Flesh, etc.) did the detailed mastering, adding the mysterious clarity of sounds, fullness, and attention to sonic detail that allows Fernow’s musical vision to shimmer. Vatican Shadow again inspires with fantastic drum programming and a keen social consciousness.


Vatican Shadow: Website

Artist Name

Vatican Shadow

Album Title

Persian Pillars Of The Gasoline Era

Release Date

August 3, 2020


20 Buck Spin

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About The Author
Shannon Smith
A fan of music my entire life. Should that be enough, well it is for me. Who buys music, the fans. Who listens to music, the fans. Like me, there are many like-minded individuals that daily search for meaningful and new music to add to their playlist, their soundtrack of life. A life without music would Bb. Yes, I have seen that saying floating around for years, and truth is, its #truth. So, may I introduce you to Shannon Smith (me). I am the editor. A music junkie that can’t get enough music in my life. A nerd (proudly), with some mad love for technology and design. It is that desire that sparked Sound in Review. Life is busy, the reviews are meant to ultimately introduce and briefly talk about the music. We have a section called SIR Quote: this is my way of saying thank you, to the countless artists making the world a place of expression. Show yours by rating each artists album, just as we have (collectively as writers), to show your support for your favorite artist.
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